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About us

Owners – Sarena & Rustom Italia

Selecting the "right" school for your child can be a daunting task. You are entrusting your most precious possession to the care of others. As the owners of Crawlers 2 Scholars, Sarena and Rustom understand the enormity of that decision and recognize that there are many schools from which you can choose. As parents of twins, they faced the same situation. They believe there are significant factors that make C2S the "right" choice and proudly invite you to come in and see for yourself all the things that make C2S stand out within the field of early childhood education.

As owners of C2S, they have put into motion their vision for the growth of this premier learning center. They strongly believe that each child is a unique individual with his/her own style of learning and expression. They embrace and encourage these differences as they inspire the staff by example.

Sarena possesses a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Pennsylvania. She also earned a Master's Degree from the University of Calgary, in Canada and has had the benefit of having lived in several countries, exposing her to various cultures and ways of learning. Rustom received his Bachelor's Degree from Vassar.

Our Philosophy

Our objective is to help your child develop a positive attitude toward themselves and learning. At C2S, each child is gently guided in discovering what they can do to take pride in, and derive satisfaction from, their personal achievements. We want to help build a creative foundation for a lifetime of learning. C2S also believes in promoting positive social skills by working with your child to develop characteristics like self-confidence, independence, curiosity, persistence, initiative and the ability to concentrate and organize. We believe no one has the same strengths or challenges, but everyone deserves a chance to be their best.

What We Offer

  • 3 months to 6 years – C2S is a full day preschool and daycare. At C2S we know that fun and play are essential to the learning environment. We believe each child is unique and at C2S we embrace this individuality and recognize their limitless potential.
  • We offer a nurturing, caring and educational environment. In our preschool program we offer flexible schedules to accommodate working parents and busy lifestyles.
  • We believe in individual attention to each child; that's why we always keep a low student to teacher ratio in our classrooms. We believe that building trusting relationships with peers and adults is very important. Within our classrooms, your child will be given ample individual attention. Our program is designed to meet the needs of each individual age level and student.


In our Preschool Program we offer lunch and 2 snacks. The teachers serve the children meals in family style and encourage them to practice courteous behavior at the table. Meals enjoyed together, remain a great socializing tool throughout a child's life.

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