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Classrooms and Age Groups

Infant Program (3 Months – 2 Years) - Ducklings

In our infant program our care givers focus on primary care giving. This means that the teachers work to get to know the children on an individual basis and give one on one attention to the babies. The caregivers are laying the foundation for the development of trust and confidence as they create a secure and soothing environment. The teachers work closely with the parents to customize a daily routine that fits the family’s needs and infant’s development.

As children start pulling themselves up, crawling, and generally moving around the room, the teachers help and encourage the children to develop fine motor and gross motor skills through their inquisitive nature for all things sensory. The teachers will encourage and assist the children in feeding themselves, eating finger foods, and using a sippy cup while helping to support socialization and language development through songs, babbling, talking, and making faces. Parents find it helpful that care givers work throughout the child’s time in this room to put the children on a regular napping and eating schedule that prepares them for transitioning into the next classroom.

Our staff is educated and trained in infant development, and we provide a safe, stimulating, and secure environment to encourage the infants to explore and trust their care givers.

Preschool Program (2 Years - 6 Years)

Our Preschool Program consists of 3 classrooms – Dolphins, Giraffes and Bears.

Dolphins (2.5 - 3 Years)

In this age group, the teachers are working to gradually build the children’s attention spans through short group activities. By tailoring the lessons to the children’s interests, the teachers are able to hold their attention for longer spans of time, which builds the ability to focus and sets the stage for future learning. Language development is cultivated through interactions with teachers, other children, and with the new materials introduced into the room to encourage discovery and learning about appropriate and rewarding friendships. Sensory activities are a regular occurrence designed to build upon the children’s knowledge in an age appropriate and fascinating way. Circle Time and lesson plans focus on introducing and recognition of letters, numbers, colors and shape.

Our older Dolphins are beginning to understand the importance of friendships and relationships with their care givers. The teachers support these interactions through encouraging the use of words and help model appropriate ways of engaging in play with friends. The teachers are also building lesson plans to support the children’s knowledge of letters and numbers. Many fine motor activities are introduced to build up the children’s hand strength to hold pencils and begin their journey in Handwriting Without Tears.

Potty training is also a big part of this classroom as the teachers create personalized potty-training schedules to support the children in a safe and positive way to achieve success!

Giraffes (3.5 – 4.5 Years)

At this age, the children are working on sharing, caring, helping, and manners in their daily interactions with peers and teachers. The lessons created for this classroom include developing understanding of the scientific method, letter knowledge, associating sounds to letters, number sense, and sensory exploration. Circle time is expanded to include a more in-depth look into calendar, weather, reading, and taking turns to share personal stories. During their time in this room, the children develop a strong sense of self, as well as a strong knowledge of the world around them. Preparedness for TK and PK are emphasized in this classroom.

Bears (4 - 5 Years)

Transitional Kindergarten and Kindergarten preparation is emphasized in this classroom. The teachers create lessons to support reading readiness, math skills and self-expression. The children are building a strong foundation for academic success through our curriculum and are always supported in their progression of skills. To encourage the children’s higher-level thinking skills, teachers create activities in which the children are developing and analyzing concrete materials while verbalizing their observations with the teacher’s well-trained, open-ended questions.

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